Alona Ramati, Ph.D.

2006 Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, North Chicago, IL, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Alona Ramati"
Mean distance: 19.12 (cluster 50)


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Roland J. Erwin grad student 2006 Rosalind Franklin Medical School
 (Working memory in electrically injured patients: A functional neuroimaging study.)
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Ramati A, Rubin LH, Wicklund A, et al. (2009) Psychiatric morbidity following electrical injury and its effects on cognitive functioning. General Hospital Psychiatry. 31: 360-6
Pliskin NH, Ammar AN, Fink JW, et al. (2006) Neuropsychological changes following electrical injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 12: 17-23
Ammar AN, Fink JW, Malina AC, et al. (2006) Memory functioning in electrically injured patients with and without PTSD Acta Neuropsychologica. 4: 119-124
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