Marilyn S. Goldstein, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States |
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Public HealthGoogle:
"Marilyn Goldstein"Mean distance: 16440.9
Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add mentorPaul A. Toro | grad student | 2002 | Wayne State | |
(Parenting and substance abuse: A longitudinal analysis.) |
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Urberg K, Goldstein MS, Toro PA. (2005) Supportive relationships as a moderator of the effects of parent and peer drinking on adolescent drinking Journal of Research On Adolescence. 15: 1-19 |
Toro PA, Goldstein MS, Rowland LL, et al. (1999) Severe mental illness among homeless adults and its association with longitudinal outcomes Behavior Therapy. 30: 431-452 |
Toro PA, Goldstein MS, Rowland LL, et al. (1999) Severe mental illness among homeless adults and its association with longitudinal outcomes Behavior Therapy. 30: 431-452 |