Brian J. White

2006- Centre for Neuroscience Studies Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada 
Visuomotor Neuroscience
"Brian White Neuroscience"
Mean distance: 13.44 (cluster 29)


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Karl R. Gegenfurtner grad student 2004-2006 Queen's
Douglas P. Munoz post-doc 2006- Queen's
Laurent Itti post-doc 2006-2007 Queen's


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Mahboubeh Habibi collaborator Queens University, Ontario
Jan Theeuwes collaborator 2006-
Dirk Kerzel collaborator 2004-2006
Tadashi Isa collaborator 2006-2012
Masatoshi Yoshida collaborator 2006-2012
Durk Talsma collaborator 2006-2013
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Heeman J, White BJ, Van der Stigchel S, et al. (2024) Saliency response in superior colliculus at the future saccade goal predicts fixation duration during free viewing of dynamic scenes. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Reyes-Lopez M, Vaca-Palomares I, Dávila-Ortiz de Montellano DJ, et al. (2024) Saccades, pupil response and blink abnormalities in Huntington's disease patients during free viewing. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 165: 117-124
Coe BC, Huang J, Brien DC, et al. (2024) Automated Analysis Pipeline for Extracting Saccade, Pupil, and Blink Parameters Using Video-Based Eye Tracking. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 8
Pitigoi IC, Coe BC, Calancie OG, et al. (2024) Attentional modulation of eye blinking is altered by sex, age, and task structure. Eneuro
Wang CA, White B, Munoz DP. (2022) Pupil-linked Arousal Signals in the Midbrain Superior Colliculus. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-15
Habibi M, Oertel WH, White BJ, et al. (2022) Eye tracking identifies biomarkers in α-synucleinopathies versus progressive supranuclear palsy. Journal of Neurology
Oster J, Huang J, White BJ, et al. (2022) Pupillary responses to differences in luminance, color and set size. Experimental Brain Research
White BJ, Itti L, Munoz DP. (2019) Superior colliculus encodes visual saliency during smooth pursuit eye movements. The European Journal of Neuroscience
White BJ, Kan JY, Itti L, et al. (2019) Laminar organization of the superior colliculus priority map Journal of Vision. 19: 133a
White BJ, Kan JY, Levy R, et al. (2017) Superior colliculus encodes visual saliency before the primary visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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