Christine H. Kapelewski

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
behavioral pharmacology (nicotine)
"Christine Kapelewski"
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Laura Cousino Klein grad student 2006-2011 Penn State
 (Effects of age on nicotine consumption and enzyme activity following methoxsalen administration in C57BL/6J male mice.)
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Guaderrama MM, Corwin EJ, Kapelewski CH, et al. (2011) Sex differences in effects of cigarette smoking and 24-hr abstinence on plasma arginine vasopressin. Addictive Behaviors. 36: 1106-9
Kapelewski CH, Vandenbergh DJ, Klein LC. (2011) Effect of the monoamine oxidase inhibition on rewarding effects of nicotine in rodents. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. 4: 110-21
Kapelewski CH, Bennett JM, Cavigelli SA, et al. (2010) Application of a naturalistic psychogenic stressor in periadolescent mice: effect on serum corticosterone levels differs by strain but not sex. Bmc Research Notes. 3: 170
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