Hideo Sakata

Nihon University School of Medicine, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to, Japan 
Visual System
"Hideo Sakata"
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Katsuyama N, Yamashita A, Sawada K, et al. (2010) Functional and histological properties of caudal intraparietal area of macaque monkey. Neuroscience. 167: 1-10
Sato N, Sakata H, Tanaka YL, et al. (2010) Context-dependent place-selective responses of the neurons in the medial parietal region of macaque monkeys. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 20: 846-58
Sato N, Sakata H, Tanaka YL, et al. (2006) Navigation-associated medial parietal neurons in monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 17001-6
Katsuyama N, Naganuma T, Sakata H, et al. (2006) Coding of 3D curvature in the parietal cortex (area CIP) of macaque monkey Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium On Autonomous Minirobots For Research and Edutainment, Amire 2005. 181-186
Tsutsui K, Taira M, Sakata H. (2005) Neural mechanisms of three-dimensional vision. Neuroscience Research. 51: 221-9
Sakata H, Tsutsui K, Taira M. (2005) Toward an understanding of the neural processing for 3D shape perception. Neuropsychologia. 43: 151-61
Sato N, Sakata H, Tanaka Y, et al. (2004) Navigation in virtual environment by the macaque monkey. Behavioural Brain Research. 153: 287-91
Tsutsui K, Jiang M, Sakata H, et al. (2003) Short-term memory and perceptual decision for three-dimensional visual features in the caudal intraparietal sulcus (Area CIP). The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 23: 5486-95
Tsutsui K, Sakata H, Naganuma T, et al. (2002) Neural correlates for perception of 3D surface orientation from texture gradient. Science (New York, N.Y.). 298: 409-12
Tsutsui K, Jiang M, Yara K, et al. (2001) Integration of perspective and disparity cues in surface-orientation-selective neurons of area CIP. Journal of Neurophysiology. 86: 2856-67
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