Jonathan J. Marotta

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 
Perception and Action
"Jonathan Marotta"
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Langridge RW, Marotta JJ. (2022) Corrigendum: Use of remote data collection methodology to test for an illusory effect on visually guided cursor movements. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 1042774
Langridge RW, Marotta JJ. (2022) Use of remote data collection methodology to test for an illusory effect on visually guided cursor movements. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 922381
Abbas HH, Langridge RW, Marotta JJ. (2021) Eye-hand coordination: memory-guided grasping during obstacle avoidance. Experimental Brain Research
Langridge RW, Marotta JJ. (2021) Manipulation of physical 3-D and virtual 2-D stimuli: comparing digit placement and fixation position. Experimental Brain Research
Carther-Krone TA, Senanayake SA, Marotta JJ. (2020) The influence of the Sander parallelogram illusion and early, middle and late vision on goal-directed reaching and grasping. Experimental Brain Research. 238: 2993-3003
Langridge RW, Marotta JJ. (2020) Grasping a 2D virtual target: The influence of target position and movement on gaze and digit placement. Human Movement Science. 71: 102625
Carther-Krone TA, Lawrence-Dewar JM, Shomstein S, et al. (2020) Neural Correlates of Perceptual Grouping Under Conditions of Inattention and Divided Attention. Perception. 49: 495-514
Thulasiram MR, Langridge RW, Abbas HH, et al. (2020) Eye-hand coordination in reaching and grasping vertically moving targets. Experimental Brain Research
Glazebrook CM, Brown K, Prime SL, et al. (2020) Both reaching and grasping are impacted by temporarily induced paresthesia. Somatosensory & Motor Research. 1-11
Carther-Krone TA, Lawrence-Dewar J, Collegio AJ, et al. (2019) Perception With and Without Attention: Neural Correlates of Grouping by Similarity in Preattention and Divided-Attention Conditions Journal of Vision. 19: 151
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