Jermaine Ross
Affiliations: | National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD |
Gene RegulationGoogle:
"Jermaine Ross"Mean distance: 15.54 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorPamela A. Raymond | research assistant | 2004-2006 | University of Michigan |
Chi-Hon Lee | grad student | 2009- | NIH |
Gilad Barnea | grad student | 2008-2009 | Brown |
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Ross J, Kuzin A, Brody T, et al. (2018) Mutational analysis of a Drosophila neuroblast enhancer governing nubbin expression during CNS development. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) |
Brothers JF, Ung M, Escalante-Chong R, et al. (2018) "Integrity, standards, and QC-related issues with big-data in pre-clinical drug discovery". Biochemical Pharmacology |
Brody T, Yavatkar AS, Park DS, et al. (2017) Flavivirus and Filovirus EvoPrinters: New alignment tools for the comparative analysis of viral evolution. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. 11: e0005673 |
Ross J, Kuzin A, Brody T, et al. (2015) cis-regulatory analysis of the Drosophila pdm locus reveals a diversity of neural enhancers. Bmc Genomics. 16: 700 |
Kuzin A, Kundu M, Ross J, et al. (2012) The cis-regulatory dynamics of the Drosophila CNS determinant castor are controlled by multiple sub-pattern enhancers. Gene Expression Patterns : Gep. 12: 261-72 |
Brody T, Yavatkar AS, Kuzin A, et al. (2012) Use of a Drosophila genome-wide conserved sequence database to identify functionally related cis-regulatory enhancers. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 241: 169-89 |
Brody T, Kuzin A, Kundu M, et al. (2011) Web based algorithms EvoPrinter and cis-Decoder reveal functional sequences in enhancers and complex networks of transcription factor interactions required for gene regulation Developmental Biology. 356: 110 |
Brody T, Yavatkar AS, Lin Y, et al. (2008) Horizontal gene transfers link a human MRSA pathogen to contagious bovine mastitis bacteria. Plos One. 3: e3074 |
Yavatkar AS, Lin Y, Ross J, et al. (2008) Rapid detection and curation of conserved DNA via enhanced-BLAT and EvoPrinterHD analysis. Bmc Genomics. 9: 106 |
Brody T, Kuzin A, Kundu M, et al. (2008) Discovery and functional analysis of shared regulatory elements in neuroblast enhancers Developmental Biology. 319: 567 |