Nicholas Thomas Van Dam, Ph.D.

2016- Psychiatry Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States 
 2017- School of Psychological Sciences University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 
Anxiety, Depression, Mindfulness, fMRI, Emotion, Decision-making,
"Nicholas Van Dam"
Mean distance: 17.29 (cluster 29)


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Alexander Grunewald research assistant 2003-2005 UW Madison
Harriet de Wit research assistant 2006-2007 Chicago
Jin Fan research assistant 2010-2013 Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Mitchell Earleywine grad student 2007-2013 SUNY Albany
Rajita Sinha grad student 2012-2013 Yale
Michael P. Milham post-doc 2014-2015 Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
James W. Murrough post-doc 2015-2017 Mount Sinai School of Medicine
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Xu P, Van Dam NT, Tol MV, et al. (2020) Amygdala-prefrontal connectivity modulates loss aversion bias in anxious individuals. Neuroimage. 116957
Chao T, Haney M, Cooper ZD, et al. (2019) Cognitive function in aging cocaine smokers. Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 269881119849812
Oh KY, Van Dam NT, Doucette JT, et al. (2019) Effects of chronic physical disease and systemic inflammation on suicide risk in patients with depression: a hospital-based case-control study. Psychological Medicine. 1-9
Tan A, Costi S, Morris LS, et al. (2018) Effects of the KCNQ channel opener ezogabine on functional connectivity of the ventral striatum and clinical symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder. Molecular Psychiatry
Bedi G, Hao X, Van Dam NT, et al. (2018) Social motivational processing and interpersonal function in aging cocaine smokers. Addiction Biology
Sayed S, Van Dam NT, Horn SR, et al. (2017) A randomized dose-ranging study of neuropeptide Y in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Van Dam NT, O'Connor D, Marcelle ET, et al. (2016) Data-Driven Phenotypic Categorization for Neurobiological Analyses: Beyond DSM-5 Labels. Biological Psychiatry
Costi S, Van Dam NT, Murrough JW. (2015) Current Status of Ketamine and Related Therapies for Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports. 2: 216-225
Van Dam NT, Sinha R. (2015) Childhood trauma-specific reductions in limbic gray matter volume--reply. Jama Psychiatry. 72: 398-9
Van Dam NT, Rando K, Potenza MN, et al. (2014) Childhood maltreatment, altered limbic neurobiology, and substance use relapse severity via trauma-specific reductions in limbic gray matter volume. Jama Psychiatry. 71: 917-25
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