Janet H. Carr
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Carr J, Shepherd R. (2019) Clinical physiotherapy specialisation in Australia: some current views. The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 42: 9-13 |
Carr J, Shepherd R. (2012) Should exercises and training be specific in motor learning? Journal of Physiotherapy. 58: 206-7; author reply |
Carr JH, Shepherd RB. (2012) An excellent initiative Journal of Physiotherapy. 58: 134-135 |
Carr JH, Shepherd RB. (2011) Enhancing physical activity and brain reorganization after stroke. Neurology Research International. 2011: 515938 |
Shepherd R, Carr J. (2010) Zusammenhang von Schädigungen, sekundären Anpassungen und Funktionen nach Hirnverletzung Neuroreha. 2: 118-125 |
Shepherd RB, Carr JH. (2006) Neurological rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation. 28: 811-2 |
Shepherd R, Carr J. (2005) Bridging the gap between theory and practice Science-Based Rehabilitation. 1-13 |
Shepherd R, Carr J. (2005) Scientific basis of neurological physiotherapy: Bridging the gap between science and practice Neurologie Und Rehabilitation. 11: 1-6 |
Canning CG, Shepherd RB, Carr JH, et al. (2003) A randomized controlled trial of the effects of intensive sit-to-stand training after recent traumatic brain injury on sit-to-stand performance. Clinical Rehabilitation. 17: 355-62 |
Carr JH, Ow JEG, Shepherd RB. (2002) Some biomechanical characteristics of standing up at three different speeds: Implications for functional training Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 18: 47-53 |