Brian D. Corneil
Affiliations: | University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada |
Oculomotor neurophysiologyWebsite:
"Brian Corneil"Mean distance: 12.98 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDouglas P. Munoz | grad student | 1993-2001 | Queen's University, Canada | |
(Behavioural, muscular, and neural control of orienting head movements.) | ||||
Richard A. Andersen | post-doc | 2001-2003 | Caltech |
Sign in to add traineeBrendan Chapman | grad student | Western University | |
Suryadeep Dash | grad student | ||
Jim Elsley | grad student | Western University | |
Benjamin Nagy | grad student | Western University | |
Mike Pace | grad student | Western University | |
Sam Rezvani | grad student | Western University | |
Scott Stevenson | grad student | Western University | |
Samanthi Goonetilleke | post-doc | Western University | |
Sebastian Lehmann | post-doc | Western University |
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Contemori S, Loeb GE, Corneil BD, et al. (2023) Express visuomotor responses reflect knowledge of both target locations and contextual rules during reaches of different amplitudes. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Selen LPJ, Corneil BD, Medendorp WP. (2023) Single-trial dynamics of competing reach plans in the human motor periphery. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Contemori S, Loeb GE, Corneil BD, et al. (2022) Symbolic cues enhance express visuomotor responses in human arm muscles at the motor planning rather than the visuospatial processing stage. Journal of Neurophysiology |
Kearsley SL, Cecala AL, Kozak RA, et al. (2022) Express arm responses appear bilaterally on upper-limb muscles in an arm choice reaching task. Journal of Neurophysiology. 127: 969-983 |
Lehmann SJ, Corneil BD. (2021) Completing the puzzle: Why studies in non-human primates are needed to better understand the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews |
Kozak RA, Corneil BD. (2021) High contrast, moving targets in an emerging target paradigm promote fast visuomotor responses during visually guided reaching. Journal of Neurophysiology |
Peel TR, Dash S, Lomber SG, et al. (2020) Frontal eye field inactivation alters the readout of superior colliculus activity for saccade generation in a task-dependent manner. Journal of Computational Neuroscience |
Kozak RA, Cecala AL, Corneil BD. (2020) An Emerging Target Paradigm to Evoke Fast Visuomotor Responses on Human Upper Limb Muscles. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove |
Dash S, Peel TR, Lomber SG, et al. (2020) Impairment but not abolishment of express saccades after unilateral or bilateral inactivation of the frontal eye fields. Journal of Neurophysiology |
Kozak RA, Kreyenmeier P, Gu C, et al. (2019) Stimulus-Locked Responses on Human Upper Limb Muscles and Corrective Reaches are Preferentially Evoked by Low Spatial Frequencies. Eneuro |