Ronald B. Emeson

Neuroscience Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Virology Biology
"Ronald Emeson"
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Toni R. Dawson grad student 2004 Vanderbilt
Christopher L. Sansam grad student 2004 Vanderbilt
Yi Feng grad student 2005 Vanderbilt
Brent J. Thompson grad student 2005 Vanderbilt
Michael V. Morabito grad student 2008 Vanderbilt
Elizabeth Y. Rula grad student 2008 Vanderbilt
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Malik TN, Doherty EE, Gaded VM, et al. (2021) Regulation of RNA editing by intracellular acidification. Nucleic Acids Research
Malik TN, Cartailler JP, Emeson RB. (2021) Quantitative Analysis of Adenosine-to-Inosine RNA Editing. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2181: 97-111
Stamm S, Gruber SB, Rabchevsky AG, et al. (2017) The activity of the serotonin receptor 2C is regulated by alternative splicing. Human Genetics
O'Neil RT, Wang X, Morabito MV, et al. (2017) Comparative analysis of A-to-I editing in human and non-human primate brains reveals conserved patterns and context-dependent regulation of RNA editing. Molecular Brain. 10: 11
Ferrick-Kiddie EA, Rosenthal JJ, Ayers GD, et al. (2017) Mutations underlying Episodic Ataxia type-1 antagonize Kv1.1 RNA editing. Scientific Reports. 7: 41095
Zhang Z, Shen M, Gresch PJ, et al. (2016) Oligonucleotide-induced alternative splicing of serotonin 2C receptor reduces food intake. Embo Molecular Medicine
Hood JL, Morabito MV, Martinez CR, et al. (2014) Reovirus-mediated induction of ADAR1 (p150) minimally alters RNA editing patterns in discrete brain regions. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 61: 97-109
Ulbricht RJ, Emeson RB. (2014) One hundred million adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing sites: hearing through the noise. Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. 36: 730-5
O'Neil RT, Emeson RB. (2012) Quantitative analysis of 5HT(2C) receptor RNA editing patterns in psychiatric disorders. Neurobiology of Disease. 45: 8-13
Hood JL, Emeson RB. (2012) Editing of neurotransmitter receptor and ion channel RNAs in the nervous system. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 353: 61-90
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