Rainer Goebel
Affiliations: | Maastricht University, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands |
imaging toolsWebsite:
"Rainer Goebel"Mean distance: 12.55 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDirk Vorberg | grad student | 1989-1994 | Technical University of Braunschweig |
Wolf Singer | post-doc | 1995-1999 | MPI Frankfurt |
Sign in to add traineeMarcus J. Naumer | research assistant | 1999-2000 | Max Planck Institute for Brain Research |
Omer Faruk Gulban | research assistant | 2013-2014 | Maastricht University |
Thorsten Hansen | grad student | Technical University of Braunschweig | |
Amanda L. Kaas | grad student | Maastricht University | |
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte | grad student | NIMH | |
David E. Linden | grad student | ||
Irene Nagel | grad student | Maastricht University | |
Tobias Raufeisen | grad student | ||
Alard F. Roebroeck | grad student | ||
Anna Zilverstand | grad student | Maastricht University | |
Jan Zimmermann | grad student | Maastricht University | |
Alexander T. Sack | grad student | 2002 | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
Lars Muckli | grad student | 1996-2002 | MPI Frankfurt |
Judith C. Peters | grad student | 2002-2007 | Maastricht University |
Yavor Yalachkov | grad student | 2008-2011 | Maastricht University |
Minye Zhan | grad student | 2012-2018 | Maastricht University |
Sven Hildebrand | grad student | 2016-2021 | |
Florian Krause | post-doc | 2014-2017 | Maastricht University |
Minye Zhan | post-doc | 2018-2018 | Maastricht University |
Sign in to add collaboratorJody C. Culham | collaborator | ||
Kamil (Kâmil Uğurbil) Ugurbil | collaborator | University of Maastricht | |
Jens Schwarzbach | collaborator | 2001- | University of Trento |
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Muñoz-Moldes S, Tursic A, Lührs M, et al. (2024) Online self-evaluation of fMRI-based neurofeedback performance. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 379: 20230089 |
Goebel R, Lührs M, Ciarlo A, et al. (2024) Semantic fMRI neurofeedback of emotions: from basic principles to clinical applications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 379: 20230084 |
Dresbach S, Gulban OF, Steinbach T, et al. (2024) Laminar CBV and BOLD response-characteristics over time and space in the human primary somatosensory cortex at 7T. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Steinbach T, Eck J, Timmers I, et al. (2024) Tactile stimulation designs adapted to clinical settings result in reliable fMRI-based somatosensory digit maps. Bmc Neuroscience. 25: 47 |
Storm JF, Klink PC, Aru J, et al. (2024) An integrative, multiscale view on neural theories of consciousness. Neuron |
Dresbach S, Huber R, Gulban OF, et al. (2024) Characterisation of laminar and vascular spatiotemporal dynamics of CBV and BOLD signals using VASO and ME-GRE at 7T in humans. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology |
Heitmann C, Zhan M, Linke M, et al. (2023) Early visual experience refines the retinotopic organization within and across visual cortical regions. Current Biology : Cb. 33: 4950-4959.e4 |
Bressler RA, Raible S, Lührs M, et al. (2023) No threat: Emotion regulation neurofeedback for police special forces recruits. Neuropsychologia. 190: 108699 |
Dresbach S, Huber LR, Gulban OF, et al. (2023) Layer-fMRI VASO with short stimuli and event-related designs at 7 T. Neuroimage. 279: 120293 |
Pizzuti A, Huber LR, Gulban OF, et al. (2023) Imaging the columnar functional organization of human area MT+ to axis-of-motion stimuli using VASO at 7 Tesla. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) |