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Paul Greengard, Ph.D.

Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 
 1957-1967 Geigy Research Labratories 
 1969-1983 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
 1983- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States 
neurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs
"Paul Greengard"

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2000 was awarded jointly to Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard and Eric R. Kandel for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system.

Mean distance: 11.52 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: Alzheimer's Tree - Chemistry Tree - Cell Biology Tree


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Haldan Keffer Hartline research assistant Johns Hopkins
Frank Brink Jr. grad student 1953 Johns Hopkins
 (Some relationships between action potential, oxygen consumption and coenzyme content in degenerating peripheral axons)
Sidney P. Colowick grad student 1953 Johns Hopkins (Chemistry Tree)
Henry McIlwain post-doc 1954 Maudsley Hospital, London (Chemistry Tree)
Edward Charles Slater post-doc 1955 Amsterdam (Chemistry Tree)
Wilhelm Feldberg post-doc 1956 National Institute for Medical Research
Sidney Udenfriend post-doc 1957 NIH


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John J. Marshall research assistant Northwestern
Joshua R. Sanes research assistant Yale
Isabella Gekel research assistant 2001-2001 Rockefeller
Brikha R. Shrestha research assistant 2005-2005 Rockefeller
Ee-Lynn Yap research assistant 2012-2014 Rockefeller
A. Harrison Brody research assistant 2012-2016 Rockefeller
Dionnet L. Bhatti research assistant 2017-2019 Rockefeller
Emily J. Park research assistant 2017-2019 Rockefeller (Cell Biology Tree)
Fabio Benfenati grad student
Robert J. DeLorenzo grad student Yale
Wieland Huttner grad student
Michael G. Kaplitt grad student Rockefeller
Eric J. Nestler grad student Rockefeller
Luca Parolari grad student Rockefeller
Chan Lek Tan grad student Rockefeller
Flavia Valtorta grad student HSR Milan
Sven Ivar Walaas grad student
Marina R. Picciotto grad student 1985-1992 Rockefeller
Jasmina N Jovanovic grad student 1992-1998 Rockefeller
Shasta L. Sabo grad student 2000 Rockefeller
Ping Chi grad student 2001 Rockefeller (Cell Biology Tree)
Ona E Bloom grad student 1995-2001 Rockefeller
Helen S. Bateup grad student 2002-2007 Rockefeller
Robert J. Fenster grad student 2007-2010 Rockefeller
Dana W. Aswad post-doc Yale University
Alona Barnea post-doc Rockefeller
Kurt G. Beam post-doc Yale
James A. Bibb post-doc Rockefeller
Michael Browning post-doc Rockefeller
Joseph D. Buxbaum post-doc Rockefeller
James J. Cheetham post-doc Carleton University
Jia Cheng post-doc Rockefeller
Karima Chergui post-doc
Odete A. Beirão da Cruz e Silva post-doc Rockefeller
Pietro De Camilli post-doc Rockefeller
Jian Feng post-doc Rockefeller
Jean-Antoine Girault post-doc Institut du Fer-Ã-Moulin
Stacie D. Grossman Bloom post-doc NYU
Shelley Halpain post-doc Rockefeller
John W. Haycock post-doc Rockefeller
Hugh Hemmings post-doc Cornell
Reinhard Jahn post-doc Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Junghee Jin post-doc Rockefeller
Benjamin Kolisnyk post-doc Rockefeller
Bruce K. Krueger post-doc Yale School of Medicine
J.-F. Kuo post-doc Emory
Jose H Ledo post-doc
Bai Lu post-doc Rockefeller
Kenneth P. Mackie post-doc Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Donald A. McAfee post-doc Yale
Angus C. Nairn post-doc Rockefeller
Christer E. Nordstedt post-doc Rockefeller
Vincent A. Pieribone post-doc
Daniele Piomelli post-doc Rockefeller
Jean-Pierre Roussarie post-doc Rockefeller
Howard Schulman post-doc Rockefeller
Talvinder Sihra post-doc Rockefeller
Eric M. Snyder post-doc
Toshiharu Suzuki post-doc Rockefeller
Per Svenningsson post-doc Pharmacology, KI
Peng Xu post-doc Rockefeller
Victor  H. Bustos post-doc 2006- Rockefeller
Jennifer L. Warner-Schmidt post-doc 2006- Rockefeller
Tetsufumi Ueda post-doc 1972-1978
Annette Dolphin post-doc 1978-1980 Yale
Mary B. Kennedy post-doc 1978-1980 Yale
Richard L. Huganir post-doc 1984 Yale
Charles Ouimet post-doc 1983-1984 Rockefeller
Paul J. Lombroso post-doc 1986-1987 Yale
Robert A. Nichols post-doc 1982-1990
Edgar F. da Cruz e Silva post-doc 1988-1996 Rockefeller
Huaxi Xu post-doc 1994-1998 Rockefeller
Linda C. Hsieh-Wilson post-doc 2000 Rockefeller
Zhen Yan post-doc 1997-2000 Rockefeller
John W. Steele post-doc 2012-2013
Yong-Seok Oh post-doc 2006-2014 Rockefeller
Vijay Kumar Siripuram post-doc 2018-2019 Rockefeller (Chemistry Tree)
Gunnar Keppler Gouras research scientist Rockefeller
Lucian Medrihan research scientist 2014- Rockefeller
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Montalban E, Giralt A, Taing L, et al. (2023) Operant training for highly palatable food alters translating mRNA in nucleus accumbens D2 neurons and reveals a modulatory role of Neurochondrin. Biological Psychiatry
Montalban E, Giralt A, Taing L, et al. (2023) Operant training for highly palatable food alters translating mRNA in nucleus accumbens D2 neurons and reveals a modulatory role of . Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
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Montalban E, Giralt A, Taing L, et al. (2022) Translational profiling of mouse dopaminoceptive neurons reveals region-specific gene expression, exon usage, and striatal prostaglandin E2 modulatory effects. Molecular Psychiatry
Seo JS, Mantas I, Svenningsson P, et al. (2021) Ependymal cells-CSF flow regulates stress-induced depression. Molecular Psychiatry
Xu P, Chang JC, Zhou X, et al. (2021) GSAP regulates lipid homeostasis and mitochondrial function associated with Alzheimer's disease. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 218
Umschweif G, Medrihan L, Guillén-Samander A, et al. (2021) Identification of Neurensin-2 as a novel modulator of emotional behavior. Molecular Psychiatry
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Ledo JH, Zhang R, Mesin L, et al. (2021) Correction: Lack of a site-specific phosphorylation of Presenilin 1 disrupts microglial gene networks and progenitors during development. Plos One. 16: e0247680
Karayol R, Medrihan L, Warner-Schmidt JL, et al. (2021) Serotonin receptor 4 in the hippocampus modulates mood and anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry
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