Eduardo Barros, Ph.D.

2005 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Industrial Psychology
"Eduardo Barros"
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Howard Weiss grad student 2005 Purdue
 (Attentional deployment in emotion regulation: Should people pay attention or not?)
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Madrid HP, Diaz MT, Leka S, et al. (2017) A Finer Grained Approach to Psychological Capital and Work Performance Journal of Business and Psychology. 33: 461-477
Madrid HP, Totterdell P, Niven K, et al. (2016) Leader Affective Presence and Innovation in Teams. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Barros E, Kausel EE, Cuadra F, et al. (2014) Using General Mental Ability and Personality Traits to Predict Job Performance in Three Chilean Organizations International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 22: 432-438
Beal DJ, Weiss HM, Barros E, et al. (2005) An episodic process model of affective influences on performance. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 90: 1054-68
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