Julie B. Milder, Ph.D.

2010 University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, Aurora, CO 
Neuroscience Biology
"Julie Milder"
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Manisha Patel grad student 2010 University of Colorado, Denver
 (Oxidative stress-mediated adaptation in the ketogenic diet.)
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Milder J, Patel M. (2012) Modulation of oxidative stress and mitochondrial function by the ketogenic diet. Epilepsy Research. 100: 295-303
Milder JB, Liang LP, Patel M. (2010) Acute oxidative stress and systemic Nrf2 activation by the ketogenic diet. Neurobiology of Disease. 40: 238-44
Jarrett SG, Milder JB, Liang LP, et al. (2008) The ketogenic diet increases mitochondrial glutathione levels. Journal of Neurochemistry. 106: 1044-51
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