Kenji W. Koyano, Ph.D.

LN NIH/NIMH, Bethesda, MD, United States 
Memory, electrophysiology, MRI
"Kenji Koyano"
Mean distance: 13.93 (cluster 17)
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Koyano KW, Esch EM, Hong JJ, et al. (2023) Progressive neuronal plasticity in primate visual cortex during stimulus familiarization. Science Advances. 9: eade4648
Khandhadia AP, Murphy AP, Koyano KW, et al. (2023) Encoding of 3D physical dimensions by face-selective cortical neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2214996120
Russ BE, Koyano KW, Day-Cooney J, et al. (2022) Temporal continuity shapes visual responses of macaque face patch neurons. Neuron
Waidmann EN, Koyano KW, Hong JJ, et al. (2022) Local features drive identity responses in macaque anterior face patches. Nature Communications. 13: 5592
Zaldivar D, Koyano KW, Ye FQ, et al. (2022) Brain-wide functional connectivity of face patch neurons during rest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2206559119
Park SH, Koyano KW, Russ BE, et al. (2022) Parallel functional subnetworks embedded in the macaque face patch system. Science Advances. 8: eabm2054
Koyano KW, Jones AP, McMahon DBT, et al. (2020) Dynamic Suppression of Average Facial Structure Shapes Neural Tuning in Three Macaque Face Patches. Current Biology : Cb
Waidmann E, Koyano KW, Hong JJ, et al. (2019) Local image features dominate responses of AM and AF face patch neurons Journal of Vision. 19: 259b
Park SH, Russ BE, McMahon DBT, et al. (2017) Functional Subpopulations of Neurons in a Macaque Face Patch Revealed by Single-Unit fMRI Mapping. Neuron
Koyano KW, Takeda M, Matsui T, et al. (2016) Laminar Module Cascade from Layer 5 to 6 Implementing Cue-to-Target Conversion for Object Memory Retrieval in the Primate Temporal Cortex. Neuron
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