Sjoerd De Vries

Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands 
"Sjoerd De Vries"
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Kravchenko A, de Vries SJ, Smaïl-Tabbone M, et al. (2024) HIPPO: HIstogram-based Pseudo-POtential for scoring protein-ssRNA fragment-based docking poses. Bmc Bioinformatics. 25: 129
Murail S, de Vries SJ, Rey J, et al. (2021) SeamDock: An Interactive and Collaborative Online Docking Resource to Assist Small Compound Molecular Docking. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 8: 716466
Glashagen G, de Vries S, Uciechowska-Kaczmarzyk U, et al. (2019) Coarse-grained and atomic resolution biomolecular docking with the ATTRACT approach. Proteins
Karami Y, Rey J, Postic G, et al. (2019) DaReUS-Loop: a web server to model multiple loops in homology models. Nucleic Acids Research
Karami Y, Guyon F, De Vries S, et al. (2018) DaReUS-Loop: accurate loop modeling using fragments from remote or unrelated proteins. Scientific Reports. 8: 13673
de Vries SJ, Rey J, Schindler CEM, et al. (2017) The pepATTRACT web server for blind, large-scale peptide-protein docking. Nucleic Acids Research
Sasse A, de Vries SJ, Schindler CE, et al. (2017) Rapid Design of Knowledge-Based Scoring Potentials for Enrichment of Near-Native Geometries in Protein-Protein Docking. Plos One. 12: e0170625
Schindler CE, Chauvot de Beauchêne I, de Vries S, et al. (2016) Protein-protein and peptide-protein docking and refinement using ATTRACT in CAPRI. Proteins
Schindler CE, de Vries SJ, Sasse A, et al. (2016) SAXS Data Alone can Generate High-Quality Models of Protein-Protein Complexes. Structure (London, England : 1993)
de Vries SJ, Chauvot de Beauchêne I, Schindler CE, et al. (2016) Cryo-EM Data Is Superior to Contact and Interface Information in Integrative Modeling. Biophysical Journal
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