Gareth M. James

Psychology University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
"Gareth James"
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Qiao X, Qian C, James GM, et al. (2020) Doubly functional graphical models in high dimensions Biometrika. 107: 415-431
Qiao X, Guo S, James GM. (2019) Functional Graphical Models Journal of the American Statistical Association. 114: 211-222
Fan Y, James GM, Radchenko P. (2015) Functional additive regression Annals of Statistics. 43: 2296-2325
Radchenko P, Qiao X, James GM. (2015) Index Models for Sparsely Sampled Functional Data Journal of the American Statistical Association. 110: 824-836
Fan Y, Foutz N, James GM, et al. (2014) Functional response additive model estimation with online virtual stock markets Annals of Applied Statistics. 8: 2435-2460
Tian TS, James GM. (2013) Interpretable dimension reduction for classifying functional data Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 57: 282-296
Tian TS, James GM, Wilcox RR. (2012) A multivariate adaptive stochastic search method for dimensionality reduction in classification Annals of Applied Statistics. 6: 340-365
Radchenko P, James GM. (2011) Improved variable selection with Forward-Lasso adaptive shrinkage Annals of Applied Statistics. 5: 427-448
Guo J, James G, Levina E, et al. (2010) Principal Component Analysis With Sparse Fused Loadings. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics : a Joint Publication of American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Interface Foundation of North America. 19: 930-946
Radchenko P, James GM. (2010) Variable selection using Adaptive Nonlinear Interaction Structures in High dimensions Journal of the American Statistical Association. 105: 1541-1553
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