Cynthia M. Connine
Affiliations: | Psychology | State University of New York at Binghamton, Vestal, NY, United States |
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"Cynthia Connine"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add mentorCharles (Chuck) Clifton | grad student | 1980-1986 | University of Massachusetts |
Sign in to add traineeDebra Titone | grad student | (LinguisTree) | |
Paul C. Locasto | grad student | 2002 | SUNY Binghamton |
Eleni Pinnow | grad student | 2009 | SUNY Binghamton |
Larissa J. Ranbom | grad student | 2009 | SUNY Binghamton |
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Gregg J, Inhoff AW, Connine CM. (2019) Re-reconsidering the role of temporal order in spoken word recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021819849512 |
Pinnow E, Connine CM, Ranbom LJ. (2017) Processing pronunciation variants: the role of probabilistic knowledge about lexical form and segmental co-occurrence Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 29: 393-403 |
Sajin SM, Connine CM. (2016) The influence of speech rate and accent on access and use of semantic information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1-18 |
Pinnow E, Connine CM. (2014) Phonological variant recognition: representations and rules. Language and Speech. 57: 42-67 |
Sajin SM, Connine CM. (2014) Semantic richness: The role of semantic features in processing spoken words Journal of Memory and Language. 70: 13-35 |
Connine CM, Sajin S. (2012) Processing pronunciation variants: Rules and representations The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 132: 2052-2052 |
Sajin SM, Connine CM. (2012) Time-course of lexical knowledge use in processing pronunciation variants The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 132: 1969-1969 |
LoCasto PC, Connine CM. (2011) Processing of no-release variants in connected speech. Language and Speech. 54: 181-97 |
Ranbom LJ, Connine CM. (2011) Silent letters are activated in spoken word recognition Language and Cognitive Processes. 26: 236-261 |
Connine CM, Darnieder LM. (2009) Perceptual learning of co-articulation in speech. Journal of Memory and Language. 61: 412-422 |