Everett L. Worthington

Psychology Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States 
Clinical Psychology, General Religion, Counseling Psychology
"Everett Worthington"
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Michael E. McCullough grad student
Jennifer S. Ripley grad student
Nathaniel G. Wade grad student
Joshua N Hook grad student 2005-2010 VCU (PsychTree)
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Ripley JS, Worthington EL, Kent VM, et al. (2022) Spiritually incorporating couple therapy in practice: Christian-accommodated couple therapy as an illustration. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)
Davis EB, McElroy-Heltzel SE, Lemke AW, et al. (2021) Psychological and spiritual outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective longitudinal study of adults with chronic disease. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 40: 347-356
Li H, Wade NG, Worthington EL. (2020) Editorial: Understanding the Processes Associated With Forgiveness. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 628185
Wenzel M, Woodyatt L, Okimoto TG, et al. (2020) Dynamics of Moral Repair: Forgiveness, Self-Forgiveness, and the Restoration of Value Consensus as Interdependent Processes. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167220937551
Toussaint L, Worthington EL, Cheadle A, et al. (2020) Efficacy of the REACH Forgiveness Intervention in Indian College Students. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 671
Osei-Tutu A, Cowden RG, Kwakye-Nuako CO, et al. (2020) Self-Forgiveness Among Incarcerated Individuals in Ghana: Relations With Shame- and Guilt-Proneness. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 306624X20914496
Witvliet CVO, Root Luna L, Worthington EL, et al. (2020) Apology and Restitution: The Psychophysiology of Forgiveness After Accountable Relational Repair Responses. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 284
Kurniati NMT, Worthington EL, Widyarini N, et al. (2020) Does forgiving in a collectivistic culture affect only decisions to forgive and not emotions? REACH forgiveness collectivistic in Indonesia. International Journal of Psychology : Journal International De Psychologie
Neff MA, Peterson MA, McMinn MR, et al. (2020) Re-imagining Integration: Student and Faculty Perspectives on Integration Training at Christian Doctoral Programs: Journal of Psychology and Theology. 9164712092466
Witvliet CVO, Wade NG, Worthington EL, et al. (2020) Apology and Restitution: Offender Accountability Responses Influence Victim Empathy and Forgiveness Journal of Psychology and Theology. 48: 88-104
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