Armando X. Estrada

Psychology - Experimental Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Counseling Psychology, General Business Administration, Educational Psychology Education
"Armando Estrada"
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David J. Weiss grad student CSULA
 (MA degree)
Osvaldo F. Morera grad student 2003 UT El Paso
 (An Examination and Proposed Extension of a Model of Sexual Harassment)


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Kristine J. Olson grad student 2011 WSU
BETA: Related publications


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Estrada AX, Olson KJ, Harbke CR, et al. (2011) Evaluating a brief scale measuring psychological climate for sexual harassment Military Psychology. 23: 410-432
Estrada AX, Probst TM, Brown J, et al. (2011) Evaluating the psychometric and measurement characteristics of a measure of sexual orientation harassment Military Psychology. 23: 220-236
Estrada AX, Berggren AW. (2009) Sexual Harassment and its Impact for Women Officers and Cadets in the Swedish Armed Forces Military Psychology. 21: 162-185
Estrada AX, Harbke CR. (2008) Gender and ethnic differences in perceptions of equal opportunity climate and job outcomes of US Army Reserve component personnel International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 32: 466-478
Estrada AX, Stetz MC, Harbke CR. (2007) Further examination and refinement of the psychometric properties of the MEOCS with data from reserve component personnel International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 31: 137-161
Estrada AX. (2002) A preliminary scale for assessing attitudes toward homosexuals in the military. Psychological Reports. 90: 583-92
Estrada AX, Weiss DJ. (1999) Attitudes of military personnel toward homosexuals. Journal of Homosexuality. 37: 83-97
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