Eliane Comoli, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Fisiologia - FMRP | University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil |
"Eliane Comoli"Mean distance: 16.77 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorNewton Sabino Canteras | grad student | USP | |
Peter Redgrave | grad student | USP |
Sign in to add traineeThiago S. Gouvea | research assistant | 2008-2009 | USP |
Pedro Leonardo Cedraz-Mercez | research assistant | 2008-2010 | USP |
Plinio das Neves Favaro | research assistant | 2008-2010 | USP |
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Comoli E, Das Neves Favaro P, Vautrelle N, et al. (2012) Segregated anatomical input to sub-regions of the rodent superior colliculus associated with approach and defense. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 6: 9 |
Favaro PD, Gouvêa TS, de Oliveira SR, et al. (2011) The influence of vibrissal somatosensory processing in rat superior colliculus on prey capture. Neuroscience. 176: 318-27 |
Redgrave P, Coizet V, Comoli E, et al. (2010) Interactions between the Midbrain Superior Colliculus and the Basal Ganglia. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 4 |
Furigo IC, de Oliveira WF, de Oliveira AR, et al. (2010) The role of the superior colliculus in predatory hunting. Neuroscience. 165: 1-15 |
Castle M, Comoli E, Loewy AD. (2005) Autonomic brainstem nuclei are linked to the hippocampus. Neuroscience. 134: 657-69 |
Comoli E, Ribeiro-Barbosa ER, Negrão N, et al. (2005) Functional mapping of the prosencephalic systems involved in organizing predatory behavior in rats. Neuroscience. 130: 1055-67 |
Comoli E, Coizet V, Boyes J, et al. (2003) A direct projection from superior colliculus to substantia nigra for detecting salient visual events. Nature Neuroscience. 6: 974-80 |
Coizet V, Comoli E, Westby GW, et al. (2003) Phasic activation of substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area by chemical stimulation of the superior colliculus: an electrophysiological investigation in the rat. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 17: 28-40 |
Comoli E, Ribeiro-Barbosa ER, Canteras NS. (2003) Predatory hunting and exposure to a live predator induce opposite patterns of Fos immunoreactivity in the PAG. Behavioural Brain Research. 138: 17-28 |
Canteras NS, Ribeiro-Barbosa ER, Comoli E. (2001) Tracing from the dorsal premammillary nucleus prosencephalic systems involved in the organization of innate fear responses. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 25: 661-8 |