Taylor L. Oliver, Ph.D.

2014 Psychology University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, United States 
Social Psychology
"Taylor Oliver"
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Marta Meana grad student 2014 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
 (Sex in the brain: The relationship between event related potentials and subjective sexual arousal.)
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Poston AM, Oliver TL, Lanti A, et al. (2024) Why College Women and Men Refrain from Sex Despite Desire: Development of the No Sex Despite Desire (NSDD) Measure. Journal of Sex Research. 1-14
Oliver TL, Lagana L, Ainsworth AT, et al. (2012) A path analysis testing the relationship between sexual upbringing and sexual satisfaction in a U.S. sample of ethnically diverse women Handbook On Sexuality Perspectives, Issues and Role in Society. 183-198
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