Daniel C. Krawczyk

2006- University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States 
"Daniel Krawczyk"
Mean distance: 13.23 (cluster 47)


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Keith James Holyoak grad student 2003 UCLA
 (Information processing and the emergence of cognitive coherence in decision -making.)
Mark D'Esposito post-doc 2005 UC Berkeley
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Mendoza CJ, Palka JM, Pelfrey SE, et al. (2022) Neural processes related to negative self-concept in adult and adolescent anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review : the Journal of the Eating Disorders Association. 30: 23-35
Shokri-Kojori E, Bennett IJ, Tomeldan ZA, et al. (2021) Estimates of brain age for gray matter and white matter in younger and older adults: insights into human intelligence. Brain Research. 147431
Kmiecik MJ, Perez R, Krawczyk DC. (2020) Navigating Increasing Levels of Relational Complexity: Perceptual, Analogical, and System Mappings. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-19
Han K, Chapman SB, Krawczyk DC. (2019) Cognitive Training Reorganizes Network Modularity in Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 1545968319868710
Krawczyk DC, Han K, Martinez D, et al. (2019) Executive function training in chronic traumatic brain injury patients: study protocol. Trials. 20: 435
Teed AR, Han K, Rakic J, et al. (2019) The influence of oxytocin and vasopressin on men's judgments of social dominance and trustworthiness: An fMRI study of neutral faces. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 106: 252-258
Sala M, Han K, Acevedo S, et al. (2018) Oxytocin Receptor Polymorphism Decreases Midline Neural Activations to Social Stimuli in Anorexia Nervosa. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 2183
Han K, Chapman SB, Krawczyk DC. (2018) Neuroplasticity of cognitive control networks following cognitive training for chronic traumatic brain injury. Neuroimage. Clinical. 18: 262-278
Han K, Martinez D, Chapman SB, et al. (2018) Neural correlates of reduced depressive symptoms following cognitive training for chronic traumatic brain injury. Human Brain Mapping
Shokri-Kojori E, Krawczyk DC. (2018) Signatures of multiple processes contributing to fluid reasoning performance Intelligence. 68: 87-99
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