Kathryn M. Meyers, Ph.D.

2013 Clinical Psychology Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Clinical Psychology
"Kathryn Meyers"
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Mark Reinecke grad student 2013 Northwestern
 (Relations between Mood, Negative Attributional Style, and Parenting in Mother-Child Dyads.)
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Lavigne JV, Meyers KM. (2019) Meta-Analysis: Association of Parent and Child Mental Health with Pediatric Health Care Utilization. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 44: 1097-1110
Gottlieb L, Martinovich Z, Meyers KM, et al. (2016) Treatment for depression enhances protection: Findings from the treatment for adolescents with depression study (TADS) International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 9: 38-56
Stroud CB, Meyers KM, Wilson S, et al. (2014) Marital Quality Spillover and Young Children's Adjustment: Evidence for Dyadic and Triadic Parenting as Mechanisms. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 1-14
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