John E. Bates, Ph.D.

Psychological and Brain Sciences Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Child behavior problems
"John Bates"
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McQuillan ME, Bates JE, Hoyniak CP, et al. (2022) Children's Sleep and Externalizing Problems: A Day-to-day Multilevel Modeling Approach. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 1-15
Sperber JF, McQuillan ME, Hoyniak CP, et al. (2022) Sleep and Negative Affect Across Toddlerhood in the Context of Stress. Affective Science. 3: 370-382
Hoyniak CP, Bates JE, Camacho MC, et al. (2022) The physical home environment and sleep: What matters most for sleep in early childhood. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
Petersen IT, Bates JE, McQuillan ME, et al. (2021) Heterotypic continuity of inhibitory control in early childhood: Evidence from four widely used measures. Developmental Psychology. 57: 1755-1771
McQuillan ME, Bates JE, Staples AD, et al. (2021) A 1-year longitudinal study of the stress, sleep, and parenting of mothers of toddlers. Sleep Health
McQuillan ME, Bates JE, Staples AD, et al. (2021) Sustained attention across toddlerhood: The roles of language and sleep. Developmental Psychology. 57: 1042-1057
Hoyniak CP, McQuillan MM, Bates JE, et al. (2021) Presleep Arousal and Sleep in Early Childhood. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1-16
Breitenstein RS, Hoyniak CP, McQuillan ME, et al. (2021) Sleep and self-regulation in early childhood. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. 60: 111-137
Deater-Deckard K, Chary M, McQuillan ME, et al. (2021) Mothers' sleep deficits and cognitive performance: Moderation by stress and age. Plos One. 16: e0241188
Brooker RJ, Bates JE, Buss KA, et al. (2020) Conducting Event-Related Potential (ERP) Research with Young Children: A Review of Components, Special Considerations and Recommendations for Research on Cognition and Emotion. Journal of Psychophysiology. 34: 137-158
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