
Margaret Caspe, Ph.D.

2007 New York University, New York, NY, United States 
Developmental Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Early Childhood Education
"Margaret Caspe"
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Gigliana Melzi grad student 2007 NYU
 (Family involvement, narrative and literacy practices: Predicting low -income Latino children's literacy development.)
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Aikens N, Caspe M, Atkins-Burnett S, et al. (2011) Parenting practices around learning within latino communities: Diversity and associations with children's outcomes Handbook of Parenting: Styles, Stresses, and Strategies. 315-340
Caspe M. (2009) Low-income Latino mothers' booksharing styles and children's emergent literacy development Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 24: 306-324
Caspe M, Melzi G. (2008) Cultural variations in mother–child narrative discourse style Spanish-Language Narration and Literacy: Culture, Cognition, and Emotion. 6-33
Melzi G, Caspe M. (2005) Variations in maternal narrative styles during book reading interactions Narrative Inquiry. 15: 101-125
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