Douglas Lee Medin
Affiliations: | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
culture, cognition, category learning, judgment and reasoningGoogle:
"Douglas Medin"Mean distance: 14.23 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add mentorRoger T. Davis | grad student | 1965-1968 | University of South Dakota |
William K. Estes | post-doc | 1968-1969 | Northwestern |
Sign in to add traineeWoo-kyoung Ahn | grad student | Yale | |
Alissa J. Baker-Oglesbee | grad student | Northwestern | |
Megan E. Bang | grad student | Northwestern University Psychology Department (EduTree) | |
Natalie Gallagher | grad student | ||
Bradley C. Love | grad student | Northwestern | |
Arthur B. Markman | grad student | UIUC | |
Robert Lee Goldstone | grad student | 1989-1991 | University of Michigan |
Elizabeth B. Lynch | grad student | 2000 | Northwestern |
Carla Groom | grad student | 1998-2002 | Northwestern (PsychTree) |
Sergey V. Blok | grad student | 2003 | Northwestern |
Amber N. Bloomfield | grad student | 2000-2005 | Northwestern (PsychTree) |
Daniel M. Bartels | grad student | 2007 | Northwestern |
Sara J. Unsworth | grad student | 2008 | Northwestern |
Rumen Iliev | grad student | 2010 | Northwestern |
Sonya Sachdeva | grad student | 2010 | Northwestern |
Ananda M. Marin | grad student | 2013 | Northwestern |
Han Gong | grad student | 2014 | Northwestern |
Izabel C. Olson | grad student | 2015 | Northwestern |
Evan Heit | post-doc | Northwestern | |
John D. Coley | post-doc | 1993-1998 | Northwestern (PsychTree) |
BETA: Related publications
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Iliev R, Medin D, Bang M. (2022) Look to the field. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45: e22 |
Novack MA, Standley M, Bang M, et al. (2021) Hands on: Nonverbal communication in Native and non-Native American parent-child dyads during informal learning. Developmental Psychology |
Medin D, Waxman S, Woodring J, et al. (2021) Human-centeredness is Not a Universal Feature of Young Children's Reasoning: Culture and Experience Matter When Reasoning About Biological Entities. Cognitive Development. 25: 197-207 |
Hruschka DJ, Medin DL, Rogoff B, et al. (2018) Pressing questions in the study of psychological and behavioral diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115: 11366-11368 |
Nzinga K, Rapp DN, Leatherwood C, et al. (2018) Should social scientists be distanced from or engaged with the people they study? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115: 11435-11441 |
Nzinga KLK, Medin DL. (2018) The Moral Priorities of Rap Listeners Journal of Cognition and Culture. 18: 312-342 |
Bang M, Marin A, Medin D. (2018) If Indigenous Peoples Stand with the Sciences, Will Scientists Stand with Us? Daedalus. 147: 148-159 |
Deloria PJ, Lomawaima KT, Brayboy BMKJ, et al. (2018) Unfolding futures: Indigenous ways of knowing for the twenty-first century Daedalus. 147: 6-16 |
Page-Reeves J, Marin A, Moffett M, et al. (2018) Wayfinding as a concept for understanding success among Native Americans in STEM: “learning how to map through life” Cultural Studies of Science Education. 14: 177-197 |
Medin DL. (2017) Psychological Science as a Complex System: Report Card. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 12: 669-674 |