Jennifer S. Ripley

Clinical Psychology Regent University 
Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology
"Jennifer Ripley"
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Ripley JS, Worthington EL, Kent VM, et al. (2022) Spiritually incorporating couple therapy in practice: Christian-accommodated couple therapy as an illustration. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.)
Neff MA, Peterson MA, McMinn MR, et al. (2020) Re-imagining Integration: Student and Faculty Perspectives on Integration Training at Christian Doctoral Programs: Journal of Psychology and Theology. 9164712092466
Ripley JS, Sells JN, Miller V, et al. (2019) Promoting Healthy Marriages in Chinese Church Communities: Survey of Chinese Couples’ Marriages, Virtue-Based Training for Leaders, and Outcomes The Family Journal. 28: 319-328
Ripley JS, Worthington EL, Garthe RC, et al. (2018) Trait Forgiveness and Dyadic Adjustment Predict Postnatal Depression Journal of Child and Family Studies. 27: 2185-2192
Dwiwardani C, Ord AS, Fennell M, et al. (2017) Spelling HUMBLE with U and ME: The role of perceived humility in intimate partner relationships The Journal of Positive Psychology. 13: 449-459
Ord AS, Ripley JS, Hook J, et al. (2016) Teaching Statistics in APA-Accredited Doctoral Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology: A Syllabi Review Teaching of Psychology. 43: 221-226
Ripley JS, Garthe RC, Perkins A, et al. (2016) Perceived partner humility predicts subjective stress during transition to parenthood. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. 5: 157-167
Worthington EL, Berry JW, Hook JN, et al. (2015) Forgiveness-reconciliation and communication-conflict-resolution interventions versus retested controls in early married couples. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 62: 14-27
Kays JL, Yarhouse MA, Ripley JS. (2014) Relationship factors and quality among mixed-orientation couples. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 40: 512-28
Garzon FL, Hall MEL, Ripley JS. (2014) Teaching Christian Integration in Psychology and Counseling Courses Journal of Psychology and Theology. 42: 131-135
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