Stephanie W. Kuffel, Ph.D.

2002 Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology
"Stephanie Kuffel"
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Paul Kwon grad student 2002 WSU
 (Predicting commitment to and maintenance of abusive dating relationships: A test of proposed decision -making processes.)
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Middleton LS, Kuffel SW, Heiman JR. (2008) Effects of experimentally adopted sexual schemas on vaginal response and subjective sexual arousal: a comparison between women with sexual arousal disorder and sexually healthy women. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 37: 950-61
Heard-Davison A, Heiman JR, Kuffel S. (2007) Genital and subjective measurement of the time course effects of an acute dose of testosterone vs. placebo in postmenopausal women. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 4: 209-17
Kuffel SW, Heiman JR. (2006) Effects of depressive symptoms and experimentally adopted schemas on sexual arousal and affect in sexually healthy women. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 35: 163-77
Katz J, Kuffel SW, Brown FA. (2006) Leaving a sexually coercive dating partner: A prospective application of the investment model Psychology of Women Quarterly. 30: 267-275
Katz J, Kuffel SW, Coblentz A. (2002) Are there gender differences in sustaining dating violence? An examination of frequency, severity, and relationship satisfaction Journal of Family Violence. 17: 247-271
Kuffel SW, Katz J. (2002) Preventing physical, psychological, and sexual aggression in college dating relationships Journal of Primary Prevention. 22: 361-374
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