Joshua J. Broman-Fulks, Ph.D.

2005 The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Joshua Broman-Fulks"
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Mitchell Eric Berman grad student 2005 University of Southern Mississippi
 (A taxometric investigation of the latent structure of anxiety sensitivity.)
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Broman-Fulks JJ, Bergquist JJ, Hall CA, et al. (2023) Incremental Validity of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Mechanisms for Anxiety and Panic Symptomology. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 37: 43-62
Kirk A, Broman-Fulks JJ, Arch JJ. (2021) A Taxometric Analysis of Experiential Avoidance. Behavior Therapy. 52: 208-220
Broman-Fulks JJ, Abraham CM, Thomas K, et al. (2018) Anxiety sensitivity mediates the relationship between exercise frequency and anxiety and depression symptomology. Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society For the Investigation of Stress
Boyers GB, Broman-Fulks JJ, Valentiner DP, et al. (2017) The latent structure of social anxiety disorder and the performance only specifier: a taxometric analysis. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 1-15
Canu WH, Elizondo M, Broman-Fulks JJ. (2017) History of ADHD traits related to general test and specific math anxiety in college students Learning and Individual Differences. 58: 56-63
Kirk A, Broman-Fulks J, Bergquist J. (2016) National attitudes towards mental health treatment: the importance of research evidence. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 45: 458-72
Smith AR, Ebert EE, Broman-Fulks JJ. (2016) The relationship between anxiety and risk taking is moderated by ambiguity Personality and Individual Differences. 95: 40-44
Broman-Fulks JJ, Kelso K, Zawilinski L. (2015) Effects of a Single Bout of Aerobic Exercise Versus Resistance Training on Cognitive Vulnerabilities for Anxiety Disorders. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 44: 240-51
Broman-Fulks JJ, Urbaniak A, Bondy CL, et al. (2014) Anxiety sensitivity and risk-taking behavior. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping. 27: 619-32
Timpano KR, Broman-Fulks JJ, Glaesmer H, et al. (2013) A taxometric exploration of the latent structure of hoarding. Psychological Assessment. 25: 194-203
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