Sharon G. Portwood

Health Psychology (PhD) University of North Carolina, Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Sharon Portwood"
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Portwood SG, Boyd AS, Barber KS. (2020) A Data-informed Model for Building Research Capacity in Out-of-home Care and Treatment Settings for Children and Youth Residential Treatment For Children & Youth. 1-19
Portwood SG, Boyd SA, Nelson EB, et al. (2018) A comparison of outcomes for children and youth in foster and residential group care across agencies Children and Youth Services Review. 85: 19-25
Portwood SG, Boyd AS, Murdock TB. (2016) Implementation of a Program of Outcomes Research in Residential Care Settings: Outcomes for Children and Youth Child and Youth Care Forum. 45: 393-407
Rosenbaum Asarnow J, Hoagwood KE, Stancin T, et al. (2015) Psychological Science and Innovative Strategies for Informing Health Care Redesign: A Policy Brief. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 44: 923-32
Portwood SG, Shears JK, Nelson EB, et al. (2015) Examining the impact of family services on homeless children Child and Family Social Work. 20: 480-493
Portwood SG, Brooks-Nelson E, Schoeneberger J. (2015) Data and Evaluation Strategies to Support Parent Engagement Programs: Learnings from an Evaluation of Parent University Children and Schools. 37: 145-153
Portwood SG, Nelson EB. (2013) Data sharing to inform school-based asthma services. The Journal of School Health. 83: 851-8
Portwood SG, Lambert RG, Abrams LP, et al. (2011) An evaluation of the Adults and Children Together (ACT) Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids program. The Journal of Primary Prevention. 32: 147-60
Levi BH, Portwood SG. (2011) Reasonable suspicion of child abuse: finding a common language. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics : a Journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 39: 62-9
Portwood SG, Shears JK, Eichelberger CN, et al. (2010) An institute for social capital: Enhancing community capacity through datasharing Child Indicators Research. 3: 261-273
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