Beverly J. Vandiver

School Psychology Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
General Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Pedagogy Education
"Beverly Vandiver"
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Norwalk KE, Vandiver BJ, White AM, et al. (2011) Factor Structure of the Gender Role Conflict Scale in African American and European American Men Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 12: 128-143
Vandiver BJ, Worrell FC, Delgado-Romero EA. (2009) A psychometric examination of multidimensional inventory of black identity (MIBI) scores. Assessment. 16: 337-51
Freberg ME, Vandiver BJ, Watkins MW, et al. (2008) Significant factor score variability and the validity of the WISC-III Full Scale IQ in predicting later academic achievement. Applied Neuropsychology. 15: 131-9
Worrell FC, Conyers LM, Mpofu E, et al. (2006) Multigroup ethnic identity measure scores in a sample of adolescents from zimbabwe Identity. 6: 35-59
Worrell FC, Vandiver BJ, Cross WE, et al. (2004) Reliability and structural validity of cross racial identity scale scores in a sample of African American adults Journal of Black Psychology. 30: 489-505
Vandiver BJ, Cross WE, Worrell FC, et al. (2002) Validating the Cross Racial Identity Scale Journal of Counseling Psychology. 49: 71-85
Worrell FC, Vandiver BJ, Watkins MW. (2001) Construct validity of the learning behavior scale with an independent sample of students Psychology in the Schools. 38: 207-215
Vandiver BJ, Fhagen-Smith PE, Cokley KO, et al. (2001) Cross's nigrescence model: From theory to scale to theory Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 29: 174-200
Pope-Davis DB, Stone GL, Vandiver BJ. (1999) White racial identity attitude development: A psychometric examination of two instruments Journal of Counseling Psychology. 46: 70-79
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