Saul M. Kassin
Affiliations: | Psychology | John Jay College of Criminal Justice - CUNY |
General Psychology, Cognitive PsychologyGoogle:
"Saul Kassin"Mean distance: 53433
Sign in to add mentorArthur S. Reber | research assistant | Brooklyn College (PsychTree) | |
Charles A. Lowe | grad student | 1974-1978 | University of Connecticut |
Lawrence S. Wrightsman Jr. | post-doc | University of Kansas |
Sign in to add traineeAmy Bradfield Douglass | research assistant | 1996 | Williams (PsychTree) |
Samuel R. Sommers | research assistant | 1997 | Williams (PsychTree) |
Jennifer T. Perillo | grad student | 2013 | John Jay College of Criminal Justice - CUNY |
Jeff Kukucka | grad student | 2014 | John Jay College (CUNY) |
Sara C. Appleby | grad student | 2015 | John Jay College (CUNY) |
Fabiana Alceste | grad student | 2018 | John Jay College (CUNY) |
Patricia Y. Sanchez | grad student | 2020 | John Jay College (CUNY) |
Stephanie Cardenas | grad student | 2021 | John Jay College (CUNY) |
Johanna Hellgren | grad student | 2021 | University of New Haven |
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Cardenas SA, Sanchez PY, Kassin SM. (2023) The "Partial Innocence" Effect: False Guilty Pleas to Partially Unethical Behaviors. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 1461672231185639 |
Alceste F, Kassin SM. (2021) Perceptions of custody: Similarities and disparities among police, judges, social psychologists, and laypeople. Law and Human Behavior. 45: 197-214 |
Kukucka J, Hiley A, Kassin SM. (2020) Forensic Confirmation Bias: Do Jurors Discount Examiners Who Were Exposed to Task-Irrelevant Information?*. Journal of Forensic Sciences |
Geven LM, Ben-Shakhar G, Kassin S, et al. (2020) Distinguishing true from false confessions using physiological patterns of concealed information recognition - A proof of concept study. Biological Psychology. 154: 107902 |
Alceste F, Jones KA, Kassin SM. (2020) Facts only the perpetrator could have known? A study of contamination in mock crime interrogations. Law and Human Behavior |
Scherr KC, Redlich AD, Kassin SM. (2020) Cumulative Disadvantage: A Psychological Framework for Understanding How Innocence Can Lead to Confession, Wrongful Conviction, and Beyond. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 1745691619896608 |
Alceste F, Luke TJ, Redlich AD, et al. (2020) The Psychology of Confessions: A Comparison of Expert and Lay Opinions Applied Cognitive Psychology |
Kassin SM, Russano MB, Amrom AD, et al. (2019) Does video recording inhibit crime suspects? Evidence from a fully randomized field experiment. Law and Human Behavior. 43: 45-55 |
Jordan S, Brimbal L, Wallace DB, et al. (2019) A test of the micro‐expressions training tool: Does it improve lie detection? Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. 16: 222-235 |
Leach A, Da Silva CS, Connors CJ, et al. (2019) Looks like a liar? Beliefs about native and non‐native speakers' deception Applied Cognitive Psychology. 34: 387-396 |