J Stephen Wormith

Psychology University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 
Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Women's Studies, Psychometrics Psychology
"J Wormith"
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Cheng J, Olver ME, Haag AM, et al. (2022) Static and dynamic predictors of forensic mental health decision-making. Psychological Services
Sparks B, Wormith JS. (2020) Assessing attitudes toward juveniles and adults adjudicated for sexual offenses in Canada: does offender age matter? Journal of Sexual Aggression. 1-14
Bhutta MH, Wormith JS, Zidenberg AM. (2018) Assessing the Relationship Between Religiosity and Recidivism Among Adult Probationers in Pakistan. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 306624X18808674
Cheng J, O'Connell ME, Wormith JS. (2018) Bridging Neuropsychology and Forensic Psychology: Executive Function Overlaps With the Central Eight Risk and Need Factors. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 306624X18803818
DeSorcy DR, Olver ME, Wormith JS. (2017) Working Alliance and Psychopathy: Linkages to Treatment Outcome in a Sample of Treated Sexual Offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260517698822
Wormith JS. (2017) Automated Offender Risk Assessment Criminology and Public Policy. 16: 281-303
Williams KM, Wormith JS, Bonta J, et al. (2017) The use of meta-analysis to compare and select offender risk instruments: A commentary on Singh, Grann, and Fazel (2011). International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 16: 1-15
DeSorcy DR, Olver ME, Wormith JS. (2016) Working Alliance and Its Relationship With Treatment Outcome in a Sample of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Sexual Offenders. Sexual Abuse : a Journal of Research and Treatment. 28: 291-313
Bhutta MH, Wormith JS. (2016) An Examination of a Risk/Needs Assessment Instrument and Its Relation to Religiosity and Recidivism Among Probationers in a Muslim Culture Criminal Justice and Behavior. 43: 204-229
Wormith JS, Hogg SM, Guzzo L. (2015) The Predictive Validity of the LS/CMI with Aboriginal Offenders in Canada Criminal Justice and Behavior. 42: 481-508
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