Reiko Graham
Affiliations: | Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States |
Social/Affective NeuroscienceGoogle:
"Reiko Graham"Mean distance: 14.76 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMichael R W Dawson | grad student | University of Alberta | ||
Glenda Prkachin | grad student | 1995-1998 | University of Northern British Columbia | |
Roberto Cabeza | grad student | 2002 | University of Alberta | |
(Characterizing general and face specific ERP correlates of face memory.) | ||||
Kevin LaBar | post-doc | Duke |
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March DS, Graham R. (2015) Exploring implicit ingroup and outgroup bias toward Hispanics Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 18: 89-103 |
Ceballos NA, Giuliano RJ, Wicha NY, et al. (2012) Acute stress and event-related potential correlates of attention to alcohol images in social drinkers. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 73: 761-71 |
Graham R, Labar KS. (2012) Neurocognitive mechanisms of gaze-expression interactions in face processing and social attention. Neuropsychologia. 50: 553-66 |
Friesen CK, Halvorson KM, Graham R. (2011) Emotionally meaningful targets enhance orienting triggered by a fearful gazing face. Cognition & Emotion. 25: 73-88 |
Mendez RV, Graham R, Blocker H, et al. (2011) Construct Validation of Mexican Empathy Scale Yields a Unique Mexican Factor Acta De InvestigacióN PsicolóGica. 1: 381-400 |
Graham R, Harlow J, Mendez R. (2010) Individual differences in attentional distraction and facilitation by emotional faces Journal of Vision. 9: 495-495 |
Graham R, Shalek T, LaBar K. (2010) The role of ambiguity in gaze and expression interactions Journal of Vision. 7: 941-941 |
Friesen CK, Kauffman E, Halvorson K, et al. (2010) Context matters: The influence of facial emotional expression on gaze-triggered orienting when gazed-at targets have emotional meaning Journal of Vision. 7: 696-696 |
Graham R, Harlow J, Blocker H, et al. (2010) Individual differences in empathy and indices of face processing Journal of Vision. 10: 598-598 |
Graham R, Friesen CK, Fichtenholtz HM, et al. (2010) Modulation of reflexive orienting to gaze direction by facial expressions Visual Cognition. 18: 331-368 |