Robert Rauschenberger, PhD

Visual Perception
"Robert Rauschenberger"
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Rauschenberger R. (2010) Reentrant processing in attentional guidance--time to abandon old dichotomies. Acta Psychologica. 135: 109-11; discussion 1
Rauschenberger R, Chu H. (2010) The effects of familiarity on encoding efficiency in visual search Journal of Vision. 5: 423-423
Carlson TA, Rauschenberger R, Verstraten FA. (2007) No representation without awareness in the lateral occipital cortex. Psychological Science. 18: 298-302
Rauschenberger R, Chu H. (2006) The effects of stimulus rotation and familiarity in visual search. Perception & Psychophysics. 68: 770-5
Rauschenberger R, Liu T, Slotnick SD, et al. (2006) Temporally unfolding neural representation of pictorial occlusion. Psychological Science. 17: 358-64
Rauschenberger R, Yantis S. (2006) Perceptual encoding efficiency in visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 135: 116-31
Rauschenberger R, Peterson MA, Mosca F, et al. (2004) Amodal completion in visual search: preemption or context effects? Psychological Science. 15: 351-5
Rauschenberger R, Peterson MA. (2004) When unambiguous stimuli become ambiguous: Spatiotemporal context effects with nominally unambiguous stimuli Journal of Vision. 4: 179-179
Rauschenberger R. (2003) Attentional capture by auto- and allo-cues. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 10: 814-42
Rauschenberger R. (2003) When something old becomes something new: spatiotemporal object continuity and attentional capture. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 29: 600-15
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