Carl B. Schreck

Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Neuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology
"Carl Schreck"
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Grant W. Feist grad student 2001 Oregon State
Shaun P. Clements grad student 2002 Oregon State
Iris Knoebl grad student 2003 Oregon State
Alena L. Pribyl grad student 2010 Oregon State
Benjamin J. Clemens grad student 2011 Oregon State


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David L G Noakes collaborator Oregon State (Evolution Tree)
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Clemens BJ, Schreck CB. (2021) An assessment of terminology for intraspecific diversity in fishes, with a focus on "ecotypes" and "life histories". Ecology and Evolution. 11: 10772-10793
Cogliati KM, Unrein JR, Schreck CB, et al. (2019) Rearing environment affects spatial learning in juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Journal of Fish Biology
Cogliati KM, Unrein JR, Sealey WM, et al. (2019) Low-Lipid Diets Fed at Reduced Ration: Effects on Growth, Body Composition, and Survival of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 10: 500-508
Johnson MA, Noakes DL, Friesen TA, et al. (2019) Growth, survivorship, and juvenile physiology of triploid steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fisheries Research. 220: 105350
Cogliati KM, Herron CL, Noakes DL, et al. (2019) Reduced stress response in juvenile Chinook Salmon reared with structure Aquaculture. 504: 96-101
Self KE, Schreck CB, Cogliati KM, et al. (2018) Egg size and growth in steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Fish Biology. 93: 465-468
Herron CL, Cogliati KM, Dolan BP, et al. (2018) Stress up-regulates oxidative burst in juvenile Chinook salmon leukocytes. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 80: 655-659
Self KE, Schreck CB, Cogliati KM, et al. (2018) The effect of rearing structures on behaviour and movement of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Fish Biology. 93: 449-454
Cogliati KM, Unrein JR, Stewart HA, et al. (2018) Egg size and emergence timing affect morphology and behavior in juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 778-789
Stewart HA, Cogliati KM, Billman EJ, et al. (2017) Effects of transportation timing on osmoregulation and survival in yearling hatchery Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Journal of Applied Aquaculture. 29: 277-290
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