John Morton

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
cognitive psychology
"John Morton"
Mean distance: 14.47 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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John Fox grad student UCL
Janice Kay grad student UCL
Richard W. Byrne grad student 1972-1975 MRC-CBU
James Blair grad student 1989-1993 University College London
Philip Beaman post-doc MRC Cognitive Development Unit
Mark H. Johnson research scientist UCL


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Edward R.F.W. Crossman collaborator Reading University
 (During Mortin's Phd he was working at Reading University. )
Annette Karmiloff-Smith collaborator
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Gil-Ramirez G, Shah A, El Mkami H, et al. (2018) Distance Measurement of a Non-covalently Bound Y@C Pair with Double Electron Electron Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Kelber JB, Panjwani NA, Wu D, et al. (2015) Synthesis and investigation of donor-porphyrin-acceptor triads with long-lived photo-induced charge-separate states. Chemical Science. 6: 6468-6481
Kelber JB, Panjwani NA, Wu D, et al. (2015) Synthesis and investigation of donor-porphyrin-acceptor triads with long-lived photo-induced charge-separate states Chemical Science. 6: 6468-6481
Filidou V, Mamone S, Simmons S, et al. (2013) Probing the C₆₀ triplet state coupling to nuclear spins inside and out. Philosophical Transactions. Series a, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 371: 20120475
Hameed S, Morton JR, Field PI, et al. (2012) Once daily insulin detemir in cystic fibrosis with insulin deficiency. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 97: 464-7
Gil-Ramírez G, Karlen SD, Shundo A, et al. (2010) A cyclic porphyrin trimer as a receptor for fullerenes. Organic Letters. 12: 3544-7
Jones JA, Karlen SD, Fitzsimons J, et al. (2009) Magnetic field sensing beyond the standard quantum limit using 10-spin NOON states. Science (New York, N.Y.). 324: 1166-8
Blair KS, Smith BW, Mitchell DG, et al. (2007) Modulation of emotion by cognition and cognition by emotion. Neuroimage. 35: 430-40
Blair K, Marsh AA, Morton J, et al. (2006) Choosing the lesser of two evils, the better of two goods: specifying the roles of ventromedial prefrontal cortex and dorsal anterior cingulate in object choice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 26: 11379-86
Slater A, Johnson MH, Morton J. (1993) Biology and cognitive development: The case of face recognition. By Mark H. Johnson and John Morton. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK. Price: £10.99. ISBN 0‐631‐17454‐0 (Paperback) Early Development and Parenting. 2: 247-249
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