Henry C. Tuckwell, Theoretical Neurobiologist
Affiliations: | Leipzig, Germany |
"Henry Tuckwell"Mean distance: 15.01 (cluster 17)
Sign in to add traineeNicolangelo Iannella | grad student | Leipzig, Germany | |
Roman Richard Poznanski | grad student | Monash University |
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Tuckwell HC, Ditlevsen S. (2016) The Space-Clamped Hodgkin-Huxley System with Random Synaptic Input: Inhibition of Spiking by Weak Noise and Analysis with Moment Equations. Neural Computation. 1-33 |
McDonnell MD, Iannella N, To MS, et al. (2015) A review of methods for identifying stochastic resonance in simulations of single neuron models. Network (Bristol, England). 26: 35-71 |
Tuckwell HC, Penington NJ. (2014) Computational modeling of spike generation in serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus. Progress in Neurobiology. 118: 59-101 |
Tuckwell HC. (2013) Biophysical properties and computational modeling of calcium spikes in serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus. Bio Systems. 112: 204-13 |
Tuckwell HC. (2013) Stochastic partial differential equations in neurobiology: Linear and nonlinear models for spiking neurons Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 2058: 149-173 |
Penington NJ, Tuckwell HC. (2012) Properties of I(A) in a neuron of the dorsal raphe nucleus. Brain Research. 1449: 60-8 |
Tuckwell HC. (2012) Quantitative aspects of L-type Ca2+ currents. Progress in Neurobiology. 96: 1-31 |
Tuckwell HC, Jost J. (2012) Analysis of inverse stochastic resonance and the long-term firing of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with Gaussian white noise Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 391: 5311-5325 |
Tuckwell HC, Jost J. (2011) The effects of various spatial distributions of weak noise on rhythmic spiking. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 30: 361-71 |
Tuckwell HC, Jost J. (2010) Weak noise in neurons may powerfully inhibit the generation of repetitive spiking but not its propagation. Plos Computational Biology. 6: e1000794 |