Richard Gregory
Affiliations: | University of Bristol, Bristol, England, United Kingdom |
"Richard Gregory"Mean distance: 15.05 (cluster 15)
Sign in to add traineeStuart M. Anstis | grad student | Cambridge | |
Priscilla Heard | grad student | ||
Oliver J. Braddick | grad student | 1965-1968 | Cambridge |
Tom Troscianko | post-doc | 1978- | University of Bristol |
David Rose | post-doc | 1975-1979 | University of Bristol |
Sign in to add collaboratorJustin O'Brien | collaborator | University of Bristol | |
Janine Veronique Spencer | collaborator | Brunel University | |
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran | collaborator | 1990- | University of Bristol |
BETA: Related publications
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Gregory R, Heard P. (2009) Trumping eyes. Part 2. Perception. 38: 1265-6 |
Gregory R, Heard P. (2009) Trumping eyes. Part 1. Perception. 38: 1107-8 |
Anstis S, Gregory R, Heard P. (2009) The triangle-bisection illusion. Perception. 38: 321-32 |
Króliczak G, Heard P, Goodale MA, et al. (2006) Dissociation of perception and action unmasked by the hollow-face illusion. Brain Research. 1080: 9-16 |
Gregory R, Heard P. (2003) Pulfrich on wheels Perception. 32: 253-254 |