Camille Jolly-Tornetta, Ph.D.

2000 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
"Camille Jolly-Tornetta"
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Bryan A. Wolf grad student 2000 Penn
 (Protein kinase C regulation of amyloid precursor protein secretion in ntera2 neurons and CHO695 cells.)
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Jolly-Tornetta C, Wolf BA. (2000) Protein kinase C regulation of intracellular and cell surface amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleavage in CHO695 cells. Biochemistry. 39: 15282-90
Jolly-Tornetta C, Wolf BA. (2000) Regulation of amyloid precursor protein (APP) secretion by protein kinase calpha in human ntera 2 neurons (NT2N). Biochemistry. 39: 7428-35
Talbot K, Young RA, Jolly-Tornetta C, et al. (2000) A frontal variant of Alzheimer's disease exhibits decreased calcium-independent phospholipase A2 activity in the prefrontal cortex. Neurochemistry International. 37: 17-31
Jolly-Tornetta C, Gao ZY, Lee VM, et al. (1998) Regulation of amyloid precursor protein secretion by glutamate receptors in human Ntera 2 neurons. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 14015-21
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