Peter I. Chernack, D.S.W.

2001 Adelphi University, School of Social Work 
Social Work, Social Psychology, Health Care Management
"Peter Chernack"
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Narayan Viswanathan grad student 2001 Adelphi University, School of Social Work
 (The relationship of knowledge, skill and confidence in hospital social work practice.)
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Spitzer W, Holden G, Cuzzi L, et al. (2001) Edith Abbott was Right: Designing Fieldwork Experiences for Contemporary Health Care Practice Journal of Social Work Education. 37: 79-90
Holden G, Cuzzi L, Spitzer W, et al. (1997) The hospital social work self-efficacy scale: a partial replication and extension. Health & Social Work. 22: 256-63
Holden G, Cuzzi L, Rutter S, et al. (1997) The Hospital Social Work Self-Efficacy Scale: A Replication Research On Social Work Practice. 7: 490-499
Cuzzi L, Holden G, Chernack P, et al. (1997) Evaluating Social Work Field Instruction: Rotations Versus Year-Long Placements Research On Social Work Practice. 7: 402-414
Cuzzi L, Holden G, Rutter S, et al. (1996) A pilot study of fieldwork rotations vs. year long placements for social work students in a public hospital. Social Work in Health Care. 24: 73-91
Holden G, Cuzzi L, Rutter S, et al. (1996) The Hospital Social Work Self-Efficacy Scale: Initial Development Research On Social Work Practice. 6: 353-365
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