Kevin D. Wilson

Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, United States 
Cognitive Neuroscience of Visual Attention
"Kevin Wilson"
Mean distance: 13.8 (cluster 23)


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Martha J. Farah grad student 1995-1999 Penn
George R. Mangun post-doc 2000-2004 Duke
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Wilson KD, Taylor JM. (2009) Letters, not words, are processed holistically. Perception. 38: 1572-4
Wilson KD, Farah MJ. (2006) Distinct patterns of viewpoint-dependent BOLD activity during common-object recognition and mental rotation. Perception. 35: 1351-66
Wilson KD, Woldorff MG, Mangun GR. (2005) Control networks and hemispheric asymmetries in parietal cortex during attentional orienting in different spatial reference frames. Neuroimage. 25: 668-83
Wilson KD, Farah MJ. (2003) When does the visual system use viewpoint-invariant representations during recognition? Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 16: 399-415
Farah MJ, Wilson KD, Drain M, et al. (1998) What is "special" about face perception? Psychological Review. 105: 482-98
Farah MJ, Wilson KD, Drain HM, et al. (1995) The inverted face inversion effect in prosopagnosia: evidence for mandatory, face-specific perceptual mechanisms. Vision Research. 35: 2089-93
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