Victoria I. Puig, Ed.D.

2008 Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States 
Curriculum and Instruction Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Individual and Family Studies
"Victoria Puig"
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Susan Recchia grad student 2008 Teachers College, Columbia University
 (Cultural and linguistic alchemy: Mining the resources of Spanish -speaking children and families receiving early intervention services.)
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Recchia SL, Puig VI. (2019) Early Childhood Teachers Finding Voice among Peers: A Reflection on Practice The New Educator. 15: 51-65
Puig VI, Erwin EJ, Evenson TL, et al. (2015) "It's a two-way street": Examining how trust, diversity, and contradiction influence a sense of community Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 29: 187-201
Puig VI. (2013) Re-imagining language, culture, and family in foster care Early Child Development and Care. 183: 1625-1645
Erwin EJ, Puig VI, Evenson TL, et al. (2012) Community and Connection in Inclusive Early-Childhood Education: A Participatory Action Research Investigation Young Exceptional Children. 15: 17-28
Puig VI, Recchia SL. (2012) Urban Advocates for Young Children with Special Needs: First-Year Early Childhood Teachers Enacting Social Justice. The New Educator. 8: 258-277
Puig VI. (2012) Cultural and linguistic alchemy: Mining the resources of spanish-speaking children and families receiving early intervention services Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 26: 325-345
Recchia SL, Puig VI. (2011) Challenges and Inspirations: Student Teachers' Experiences in Early Childhood Special Education Classrooms. Teacher Education and Special Education. 34: 133-151
Puig VI, Recchia SL. (2008) The early childhood professional mentoring group: A forum for parallel learning Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 29: 340-354
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