Bassem F. El-Khodor, Ph.D.

2000 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Neuroscience Biology
"Bassem El-Khodor"
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Patricia Boksa grad student 2000 McGill
 (Birth complications and long-term alterations in central dopamine systems: Implications for schizophrenia.)
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El-Khodor BF, Flores G, Srivastava LK, et al. (2004) Effects of birth insult and stress at adulthood on excitatory amino acid receptors in adult rat brain. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). 54: 138-46
El-Khodor BF, Boksa P. (2003) Differential vulnerability of male versus female rats to long-term effects of birth insult on brain catecholamine levels. Experimental Neurology. 182: 208-19
Boksa P, El-Khodor BF. (2003) Birth insult interacts with stress at adulthood to alter dopaminergic function in animal models: possible implications for schizophrenia and other disorders. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 27: 91-101
El-Khodor BF, Boksa P. (2003) Effects of birth insult and stress at adulthood on in vivo tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase activities in rat brain. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). 47: 87-9
El-Khodor BF, Boksa P. (2002) Birth insult and stress interact to alter dopamine transporter binding in rat brain. Neuroreport. 13: 201-6
El-Khodor B, Boksa P. (2001) Caesarean section birth produces long term changes in dopamine D1 receptors and in stress-induced regulation of D3 and D4 receptors in the rat brain Neuropsychopharmacology. 25: 423-439
El-Khodor BF, Boksa P. (2000) Transient birth hypoxia increases behavioral responses to repeated stress in the adult rat. Behavioural Brain Research. 107: 171-5
El-Khodor BF, Boksa P. (1998) Birth insult increases amphetamine-induced behavioral responses in the adult rat. Neuroscience. 87: 893-904
El-Khodor BF, Boksa P. (1997) Long-term reciprocal changes in dopamine levels in prefrontal cortex versus nucleus accumbens in rats born by Caesarean section compared to vaginal birth. Experimental Neurology. 145: 118-29
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