Patriya Tansuhaj

Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
"Patriya Tansuhaj"
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Rachel L. Maldonado grad student 2001 WSU
Chiung-Hui Tseng grad student 2002 WSU
Weerachai Ussahawanitchakit grad student 2002 WSU
Hyuksoo Cho grad student 2004 WSU
Amonrat Thoumrungroje grad student 2004 WSU
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Dogerlioglu-Demir K, Tansuhaj P, Cote J, et al. (2017) Value integration effects on evaluations of retro brands Journal of Business Research. 77: 124-130
Zhang M, Knight G, Tansuhaj P. (2014) International Performance Antecedents in Emerging Market SMEs: Evidence from China Journal of Global Marketing. 27: 161-177
Mariadoss BJ, Chi T, Tansuhaj P, et al. (2014) Influences of Firm Orientations on Sustainable Supply Chain Management Journal of Business Research
Cho H, Tansuhaj PS. (2013) Becoming a global SME: Determinants of SMEs' decision to use E-intermediaries in export marketing Thunderbird International Business Review. 55: 513-530
Dogerlioglu-Demir K, Tansuhaj P. (2011) Global vs local brand perceptions among Thais and Turks Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 23: 667-683
Mariadoss BJ, Tansuhaj PS, Mouri N. (2011) Marketing capabilities and innovation-based strategies for environmental sustainability: An exploratory investigation of B2B firms Industrial Marketing Management. 40: 1305-1318
Zhang M, Tansuhaj P, McCullough J. (2009) International entrepreneurial capability: The measurement and a comparison between born global firms and traditional exporters in China Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 7: 292-322
Tansuhaj P, McCullough J. (2008) International human trade: a marketing analysis Journal For Global Business Advancement. 1: 225-236
Tseng CH, Tansuhaj P, Hallagan W, et al. (2007) Effects of firm resources on growth in multinationality Journal of International Business Studies. 38: 961-974
Thoumrungroje A, Tansuhaj P. (2005) Entrepreneurial Strategic Posture, International Diversification, and Firm Performance The Multinational Business Review. 13: 55-73
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