Vicki Ebbeck

Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Behavioral Psychology, Recreation
"Vicki Ebbeck"
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Diane E. Whaley grad student 1993-1997 Oregon State
Susan S. Levy grad student 2001 Oregon State
Deborah H. John grad student 2004 Oregon State
Glenda J. Battey grad student 2009 Oregon State
Ryan T. Readdy grad student 2009 Oregon State
Erica Woekel grad student 2011 Oregon State
BETA: Related publications


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Gibbons S, Ebbeck V, Gruno J, et al. (2018) Impact of Adventure-Based Approaches on the Self-Conceptions of Middle School Physical Education Students Journal of Experiential Education. 41: 220-232
Nery-Hurwit M, Yun J, Ebbeck V. (2017) Examining the roles of self-compassion and resilience on health-related quality of life for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Disability and Health Journal
Ebbeck V, Austin S. (2017) Burning off the fat oppression: Self-compassion exercises for personal trainers Fat Studies. 7: 81-92
Souza BJ, Ebbeck V. (2017) Perspectives on Increasing Positive Attitudes Toward Larger Members in Fitness Centers Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 30: 96-118
Rogers KA, Ebbeck V. (2016) Experiences among women with shame and self-compassion in cardio-based exercise classes Qualitiative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 8: 21-44
Rodriguez M, Ebbeck V. (2015) Implementing Self-compassion Strategies with Female College Gymnasts Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. 6: 44-53
Waldron AL, Ebbeck V. (2015) The relationship of mindfulness and self-compassion to desired wildland fire leadership International Journal of Wildland Fire. 24: 201-211
Lewis AB, Ebbeck V. (2014) Mindful and self-compassionate leadership development: Preliminary discussions with wildland fire managers Journal of Forestry. 112: 230-236
Ebbeck V, Fitzgerald KE. (2014) Bodhisattvas in Motion: A Path to Compassion Through Physical Activity for Larger Women Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. 22: 10-17
Watkins PL, Ebbeck V, Levy SS. (2014) Overcoming weight bias: Promoting physical activity and psychosocial health Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care. 7: 187-197
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