Andrew Peterson
Affiliations: | Genentech, Inc., San Francisco, CA, United States |
"Andrew Peterson"Mean distance: 17.44 (cluster 11)
Sign in to add traineeKonstantinos (Kostas) Zarbalis | post-doc | 2005 | UCSF |
Yiguo Shen | post-doc | 2002-2005 | UCSF |
Youngshik Choe | post-doc | 2006 | UCSF |
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Muthusamy B, Selvan LDN, Nguyen TT, et al. (2017) Next-Generation Sequencing Reveals Novel Mutations in X-linked Intellectual Disability. Omics : a Journal of Integrative Biology. 21: 295-303 |
Wu C, Li J, Peterson A, et al. (2017) Loss of dynein-2 intermediate chain Wdr34 results in defects in retrograde ciliary protein trafficking and Hedgehog signaling in the mouse. Human Molecular Genetics |
Ashique AM, May SR, Kane MA, et al. (2012) Morphological defects in a novel Rdh10 mutant that has reduced retinoic acid biosynthesis and signaling. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 50: 415-23 |
Tang T, Li L, Tang J, et al. (2010) A mouse knockout library for secreted and transmembrane proteins. Nature Biotechnology. 28: 749-55 |
Endoh-Yamagami S, Karkar KM, May SR, et al. (2010) A mutation in the pericentrin gene causes abnormal interneuron migration to the olfactory bulb in mice. Developmental Biology. 340: 41-53 |
Ashique AM, Choe Y, Karlen M, et al. (2009) The Rfx4 transcription factor modulates Shh signaling by regional control of ciliogenesis. Science Signaling. 2: ra70 |
Siegenthaler JA, Ashique AM, Zarbalis K, et al. (2009) Retinoic acid from the meninges regulates cortical neuron generation. Cell. 139: 597-609 |
Zoltewicz JS, Ashique AM, Choe Y, et al. (2009) Wnt signaling is regulated by endoplasmic reticulum retention. Plos One. 4: e6191 |
Shen Y, Peterson AS. (2009) Atrophins' emerging roles in development and neurodegenerative disease. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 66: 437-46 |
Zarbalis K, Siegenthaler JA, Choe Y, et al. (2007) Cortical dysplasia and skull defects in mice with a Foxc1 allele reveal the role of meningeal differentiation in regulating cortical development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104: 14002-7 |