Mikael Huss
Affiliations: | Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden |
"Mikael Huss"Mean distance: 16.92 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJeanette Hellgren Kotaleski | grad student | 2007 | Royal Institute of Technology |
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Huang D, Guo G, Yuan P, et al. (2017) The role of Cdx2 as a lineage specific transcriptional repressor for pluripotent network during the first developmental cell lineage segregation. Scientific Reports. 7: 17156 |
Hagey DW, Zaouter C, Combeau G, et al. (2016) Distinct transcription factor complexes act on a permissive chromatin landscape to establish regionalized gene expression in CNS stem cells. Genome Research |
Holme P, Huss M, Lee SH. (2011) Atmospheric reaction systems as null-models to identify structural traces of evolution in metabolism. Plos One. 6: e19759 |
Chia NY, Chan YS, Feng B, et al. (2010) A genome-wide RNAi screen reveals determinants of human embryonic stem cell identity. Nature. 468: 316-20 |
Kozlov A, Huss M, Lansner A, et al. (2009) Simple cellular and network control principles govern complex patterns of motor behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 20027-32 |
Chen X, Xu H, Yuan P, et al. (2008) Integration of external signaling pathways with the core transcriptional network in embryonic stem cells. Cell. 133: 1106-17 |
Holme P, Huss M. (2008) Comment on "Regularizing capacity of metabolic networks". Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 77: 023901; discussion 0 |
Huss M, Wang D, Trané C, et al. (2008) An experimentally constrained computational model of NMDA oscillations in lamprey CPG neurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 25: 108-21 |
Huss M, Lansner A, Wallén P, et al. (2007) Roles of ionic currents in lamprey CpG neurons: a modeling study. Journal of Neurophysiology. 97: 2696-711 |
Huss M, Rehn M. (2007) Tonically driven and self-sustaining activity in the lamprey hemicord: When can they co-exist? Neurocomputing. 70: 1882-1886 |